Audio Engineer Larry Hutter


Audio Engineer Larry Hutter may be viewed as a purist by some, but he’s a purist in a most modern sense. Now located in Los Angeles, his remarkable recordings are informed by years of hands on exposure to live music. In fact his initial recordings were often documentation of live performances on which he was the bass player. His first participation with Unseen Rain was mixing Julie Lyon’s classic quintet album Julie. The results are astounding, and so Larry dreamt of the right situation where he could realize his concept from beginning to end. 

“I strive to make recordings with a deep sense of space. I prefer jazz recordings that sound organic and live.  Whenever appropriate, I record the musicians in the same room without headphones or isolation, and use the fewest microphones possible.” – Larry Hutter

While continuing to mix, master and edit all new recordings for Unseen Rain he often travels to New York to record UR artists, sometimes utilizing a two mic setup.

In reference to the statement above a “purist in a most modern sense”, along with drummer and Unseen Rain artist Tom Cabrera, he has created a modus operandi where, from his studio in California, with a deep understanding of the sound of the room, he supervises the placement of mics, instruments, etc. at Woodshedd Studio in Long Island near New York city and mixes them at his studio in LA. Numerous recording have emerged from this process and represent the vast majority of recent UR recordings.  Larry is a partner in Meyefi, the umbrella organization for Unseen Rain Records.

Previously, Larry recorded  in his own studio in Orlando, FL where some of the musicians often travel from New York for sessions. Julie Lyon’s  Whisper of Dreams (on which he also plays double-bass) was the first release tracked there.

Larry’s discography as a recording, mixing, editing engineer is constantly growing and he has been involved in various outside work including music recording and voice-overs.